Roundabout Symphony

The year is 19779.

The major factions of the world have long since fallen into disrepair, having been abandoned by their people and governments some time ago.

What remains of the world’s population has holed up in the husked and dilapidated remains of a society once prosperous.

Many nomads, referred to as “Roundabouts”, roam the land that was once called the United States of America. Since ‘342, it’s been known as the New Division of America.

While most of the old states have been long abandoned, some refuge has been taken in their ruins in an attempt to revitalize the world.

So much for “freedom”...

Roundabout Symphony is a story about the unorthodox, fear, and plain uncertainty.

You are Portia Tigons, a Roundabout on an eternal road trip across the Division.
After encountering a small town in disrepair, you're coerced into posing as the head police chief in a murder-rape case that leaves more questions open than answers left.
As you explore the town and surrounding areas of Morgan, Nevada, you'll make allies, enemies and anything inbetween as you search for the culprit, get smashed, reevaluate your life, and save the town of Morgan from tearing itself apart.

WARNING! Roundabout Symphony's main storyline includes depictions of death, rape, molestation, bodily horror, crude humor, strong language and other material some people may find disturbing to read or be incapable of reading.

If you accept this warning, click here to read the series.